Experimental demonstration of an efficient number diagnostic for long 1D ion chains,
M.R. Kamsap, C. Champenois, J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, M. Houssin, M. Knoop
Phys.Rev. A, accepté en janvier 2017, arXiv :1604.04303 [quant-ph]
Noise characterization of an Optical Frequency Comb using Offline Cross-Correlation,
R. Khayatzadeh, M. Collombon, D. Guyomarc'h, D. Ferrand, G. Hagel, M. Houssin, O.Morizot, C. Champenois, M. Knoop
Photonics Technology Letters, January 2017, arXiv :1611.09715 [physics.insdet]
Radiofrequency Traps,
M. Knoop
35-54 in M Knoop, N Madsen, RC Thompson (editors), Physics with Trapped
Charged Particles : A Graduate Textbook with Problems and Solutions,
World Scientific, London, July 2016, ISBN 978-1-78634-011-5
Ultrahigh Vacuum for Trapped Ions,
J. Koelemeij and M. Knoop
101-117 in M Knoop, N Madsen, RC Thompson (editors), Physics with
Trapped Charged Particles : A Graduate Textbook with Problems and
World Scientific, London, July 2016, ISBN 978-1-78634-011-5
Laser, atomes, horloges,
M. Knoop and C. Champenois
Marseille, La revue culturelle de la Ville de Marseille 249, 23-28 (2015)
Fast and efficient transport of
a cloud of trapped ions,
M.R. Kamsap, C. Champenois, J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, D.
Guyomarc'h, M. Houssin, M. Knoop
Phys. Rev. A 92, 043416 (2015), arXiv :1505.06104 [physics.plasm-ph]
Fast accumulation of ions in a
dual trap,
M.R. Kamsap, C. Champenois, J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, M.
Houssin, M. Knoop
EPL 110 63002 (2015), arXiv :1505.04622 [physics.atom-ph]
Traps for Tomorrow's Applications,
M.Knoop, I. Marzoli, G. Morigi
in M. Knoop, I. Marzoli, G. Morigi (editors), Proceedings of the Enrico
Fermi School,
Course 189, IOS Press (2015), ISBN 978-1-61499-525-8.
Ion rings in multipole traps,
C. Champenois, M. Marciante, J Pedregosa-Gutierrez, M.Knoop
in M. Knoop, I. Marzoli, G. Morigi (editors), Proceedings of the Enrico
Fermi School,
Course 189, IOS Press (2015), ISBN 978-1-61499-525-8.
Quelques secrets du contact
Emeline Bizri et Martina Knoop
Photoniques n° 76 (mai-juin 2015), p. 25-27 ; doi
Les publications en physique au
CNRS : combien, par qui et où ?
Martina Knoop, Lorenzo Brighigni, et Bart van Tiggelen
Reflets de la Physique n 43, p. 58-60 (2015) ; doi
Tour d'horizon des publications
scientiques : Open Access pour les nuls
Martina Knoop,et Bart van Tiggelen
site web de l'INP du CNRS (mars 2015)
Ion transport in macroscopic RF
linear traps,
J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, C. Champenois, M. R. Kamsap, M.
Int J Mass Spectrom. 381-382, 33-40 (2015), arXiv :1403.2568
Eclipse solaire au Gabon 2013,
S. Gély, M. Houssin, M. Knoop, A.B. Moubissi
Reflets de la Physique n 42, p. 34-35 (2015) ; doi
Computer-controlled high
precision Michelson wavemeter,
J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, D. Guyomarc'h, M. Vedel, C. Champenois, M. Knoop
Eur. Phys. J. Plus 129,
203 (2014)
Lettre ouverte : La physique et
le développement,
F. Piuzzi, M. Knoop, et A. Suzor-Weiner
Reflets de la Physique n 40, p. 44-45 (2014)
Coherent internal state transfer
by three-photon STIRAP-like scheme for many-atom samples,
M. R. Kamsap, T. B. Ekogo, J. Pedregosa-Guttierez, G. Hagel, M.
Houssin, O. Morizot, M. Knoop, C. Champenois
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.
46, 145502 (2013), arXiv:1305.1516 [quant-ph]
A double ion trap for large
Coulomb crystals,
C. Champenois, J.
Pedregosa-Gutierrez, M. Marciante, D. Guyomarc'h,
M. Houssin, and M. Knoop,
AIP Conf. Proc. 1521,
PLASMA PHYSICS VIII: 10th International Workshop on Non-Neutral
edited by X. Sarasola, L.
Schweikhardt, and T.S. Pedersen,
pp. 210-219 (2013); arXiv:1303.6389
Physics with Trapped Charged
M. Knoop, N.
Madsen, R.C. Thompson,
pp 1-24 in RC Thompson, M
Knoop, N Madsen (editors), Physics with Trapped Charged
Particles : Lectures from the
Les Houches Winter School, Imperial College Press, London (2013), ISBN 978-1-78326-404-9
Techniques for Trapped Ions,
M. Knoop
pp 25-42, in RC Thompson, M Knoop, N Madsen (editors), Physics with
Trapped Charged
Particles : Lectures from the Les Houches Winter School, Imperial
College Press, London (2013), ISBN 978-1-78326-404-9
Structural phase-transitions in
multipole traps,
M. Marciante, C. Champenois, A. Calisti, M. Knoop
Appl. Phys. B 107,
1117-1123 (2012), arXiv :1202.4544v1
Les JEPI 2011 à Marseille -
entre football, ITER et conférences didactiques,
M. Knoop
Reflets de la Physique n° 29, p. 30 (2012)
ion strings in modied multipole traps,
M. Marciante, C. Champenois, A. Calisti, J.
Pedregosa-Guttierez, M. Knoop
Phys. Rev. A 83,
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Un Laser sur la Ville,
O. Morizot, A. Sellé, S. Ferri, D. Guyomarc'h, JM. Laugier, M. Knoop
Reflets de la Physique n° 24, p. 26-28 (2011)
A modern Fizeau experiment for
education and outreach purposes,
O. Morizot, A. Sellé, S. Ferri, D. Guyomarc'h, JM. Laugier, M. Knoop
Eur. J. Phys. 32,
161-168 (2011), arXiv :1011.1770v1 [physics.atom-ph]
Ion dynamics in
a linear radio-frequency trap with a single cooling laser,
M. Marciante, C. Champenois, A. Calisti, J. Pedregosa-Guttierez, M.
Phys. Rev. A 82,
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ring in a linear multipole trap for optical frequency metrology,
C. Champenois, M. Marciante, J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, M.
Houssin, M. Knoop and M. Kajita
Phys. Rev. A 81,
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contributions in real RF linear quadrupole traps,
Pedregosa, C.
Champenois, M. Houssin, et M. Knoop
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aspects of simulation and realization of an optical reference cavity,
D. Guyomarc'h, G. Hagel, C. Zumsteg, M. Knoop,
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Open access - everything for
free ?
Kastberg, M.
europhysics news 40/4, 03 (2009)
applications of trapped ions,
M. Knoop, L. Hilico, J. Eschner
Journal of Physics B : Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 42, 150201
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One and two photon excitation of
rf trapped Ca+
C. Zumsteg, C.
Champenois, D. Guyomarc'h, G. Hagel, M. Houssin, M. Knoop,
Actes du 4th Sino-French Workshop, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics
22, 119-120 (2009)
Doppler cooling of
a three-level ladder system with an intermediate metastable level
C. Champenois, G. Hagel, M. Knoop, M.
Houssin, C.
Zumsteg, F. Vedel, M. Drewsen
Phys. Rev. A 77, 033411 (2008),
arXiv:0710.5078 [quant-ph]
cooling of calcium ions using a dipole-forbidden optical transition,
R. Hendricks, J. L. S{\o}rensen, C. Champenois, M. Knoop, M.
Phys. Rev. A 77, 021401(R) (2008), arXiv:0705.3565 [quant-ph]
Terahertz frequency standard
based on
three-photon coherent population trapping
C. Champenois, G. Hagel, M. Houssin, M.
Knoop, C.
Zumsteg, F. Vedel,
Phys.Rev.Lett. 99,
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stabilization of the length of an optical reference cavity,
G. Hagel, M. Houssin, M. Knoop, C. Champenois, M. Vedel, F.
Review of Scientific
Instrumentation 76, 123101 (2005), arxiv:physics/0507208